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My name is Melissa Lehto and I was born in El Paso, Texas. I have been fortunate to live in different 

countries and cities and experience their diverse cultures and traditions. I graduated from the University

of South Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. I obtained my Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Texas at El Paso. I have worked in Mental Health since 2018. My adult career started in the banking industry and, thanks to a lot of work, support, and dedication I was able to move up fairly quickly. I found banking to be fun and enjoyable. However, as our economy declined and the values of the companies I worked for changed, I began questioning whether I could see myself doing that job for the rest of my life. I wanted a job that was fulfilling and that could align with my personal values and beliefs. 

I took a big leap of faith and I decided to restart my career by enrolling back in college and exploring different jobs and volunteer opportunities that I wanted to participate in. Even at times when I felt like I was stepping back "financially, or with stability" I knew the rewards would outweigh the challenges and difficulties. As fate would have it, I began finding my specialty, "niche" that truly made me passionate about what I did day in and out. That was to help adult clients with processing and healing from trauma, toxic relationships, and dysfunctional family systems. I work with clients that have been involved in narcissistic relationships either with their families, parents, or significant others. It is an honor and privilege that I get to help individuals through their most delicate times. I value the strength that it takes for them to ask for help. With that same sentiment, there is not a day when I take for granted the ability to provide the best quality of care to my clients. Even on the most difficult days, my heart is full and I have a sense of gratitude for my profession and the connection I develop with my clients.

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My mission is to provide Mental Health Services to enhance the mental, physical, and emotional health of individuals. I am committed to providing high-quality mental health services by working in partnership with my clients and local organizations. I believe that by using a compassionate, respectful, and truthful approach I can honor my commitment to my clients. 


My vision is to help adult clients end trauma cycles by addressing and reconciling their past, present, and future. All while empowering my clients to live a higher quality of life. 

Remember that you are not alone, if you or anyone you know is in crisis please contact the National Prevention Hotline at (800) 273- 8255 or visit


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